May 2019 Goals

April was devoted to more self-care and focus. I felt like I achieved a lot of this, and the Easter break helped with this too! May is looking quite busy but I’m determined to still be mindful with my relaxation, reflection and mindfulness.

April Goals… How I Got On


Be A Little Kinder To Myself

I’m not sure I achieved this or not, but I did take a few days off my blog during Easter whilst I wasn’t teaching. I also did not post on my blog for a week. I felt the break was much appreciated and it made me more enthusiastic to blog again.


Have A Spring Clean

I did have a mini declutter of my beauty and we also cleaned the windows properly. It was so great to spend extra time on making the home nice. I really want to have more decluttering sessions of the place, including my clothes and generally just everything ha-ha.


Not Go On Social Media One Day Per Week

I feel like I did really well with this. Apart from one Sunday where I just felt in the mood to post on Instagram, I didn’t use social media at all. I didn’t post or look at any accounts and it felt so nice just to focus on what was around me, instead of what was on my phone. I really want to continue doing this on Sundays. I feel this is a great day to switch off.

May Goals


Have A Bath Once A Week

I enjoy taking a bath, but I don’t do this nearly enough. I always get anxious on Thursday evenings because I know I have my hardest teaching day ahead on Fridays and so I feel like taking a bath on a Thursday might help me relax and wind down. I think the soothing lavender bath products that I have will help me relax more.


Stand On Both Feet More

This may sound a silly goal, but I actually have a problem with one of my legs and it isn’t very strong compared to the other. It all started with the knee and then problems increased, and I developed a nerve irritation in my lower back. Whilst I manage it doing Pilates each week, I also want to continue to build up strength in my leg. I tend to stand on one leg a lot and I want to try and remind myself to correct my posture!


Trust In My Own Decisions More

I do tend to ask other people’s opinion a lot and not trust in my own knowledge. I am often correct about things and my instinct is often right, so I need to learn to trust it. I need to believe in myself more and be more independent. I’m hoping by asking advice less and just getting on with things, items will get done quicker on my to do list also.


What are your monthly goals?

