My Post Lockdown Haircut Experience

Getting my hair cut for the first time post lockdown seemed a little daunting. I didn’t know what to expect and I was a nervous about being close to other people, but I thought it was important to go as a step in my anxiety recovery journey. I wanted to share with you my experience so you could see what it was like too, if you are thinking of getting your haircut also.

When I arrived

When I got there, there was hand sanitiser outside the door and also at the reception desk. I had also brought my own, but this was so good to see. The staff all had appropriate clear visors on their faces, and I noticed my hairdresser regularly used the hand gel which was reassuring. I was sat down and made sure I had sanitised my hands. I also had to fill out a questionnaire.


The Hair Wash

The hair wash was much the same. The hairdressers I go to is a natural hairdressers in London and the products they use are always top quality and great for my hair. I felt like they were being extra careful not to splash any water and the staff tried to keep you calm and relaxed. In the hair washing section, I was the only one there when I had mine washed, although they had said it had been busier in the salon on previous days, so I am not sure what it was like then.


The Haircut

There were only a few of us in the salon at any one time. We had separate booths sectioned off by screens and our own little station. I felt very safe and comfortable. One thing I was nervous about was touching my bag after I had to rest my hands on the gown. But that was just something that couldn’t be avoided. It actually felt nice to chat to another person as I haven’t been able to see many people in London. It felt nice to have some sense of normality. I also enjoyed the air conditioning in the salon as it was a heatwave in the UK at the time.



Afterwards, I did wash my hair just to feel extra safe as the hairdresser had accidentally dropped the hair dryer on the floor. But that made me feel better. I wouldn’t normally wash my hair afterwards, but it was something I just felt more comfortable doing. Overall, the haircut was lovely and it was great to have some length taken off. I also loved the experience of getting my hair done.


Have you been to get your haircut yet post lockdown? What did you think about it all?

