What I Eat In A Day 6

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I haven’t done a “What I Eat In A Day” for quite some time now! I looked back on my blog and it was last June since I did my last one! I thought it would be great therefore to post another! This time, there’s a twist because I’ve taken a BUSY DAY. Busy Days mean easy foods but also things that are going to nourish me throughout the day. I don’t really get a proper lunch break on Fridays as I have 30 minutes to change violin teaching schools / rooms, pack away, set up again…. So, I literally need something easy and quick for lunch. I also need an easy dinner and quick breakfast as there is not much time and I am shattered at the end of the day (anyone a teacher?). I hope you find this useful for those of you with busy days and ones that don’t allow you to take more time with your food. It’s completely possible to still eat enough when you are busy. I never understand people that say they don’t have time for breakfast etc. I get up earlier, so I do ha-ha! Food is energy!


For breakfast, I had some of my trusty granola I had made the other day. There’s no time for porridge. If you fancy making it here is the RECIPE. It’s so yummy – creamy from the oats, chocolatey from the cacao and filling from the nuts. It’s a great hearty breakfast to start the day. I also always have about a handful of fruit with my breakfast and lots of water. Today I had a multivitamin tablet from Boots as there are so many nasty bugs going around schools at the moment and I tune a lot of kids’ violins.


For lunch, I literally had no time to eat. Plus, I hate eating in public (fun fact) and there is nowhere to properly eat, so I had a Huel. I would never have meal replacement drinks to replace my food (I love food too much) but these are perfect for me! It contains all the nutrients needed for a balanced meal with little sugar. I sometimes add a flavour boost but otherwise I just have the vanilla ones. I might try the berry flavour next. They are around 400 calories which isn’t quite enough for me, but it keeps me going. I also take lots of water with me for instant access to liquid. I get very thirsty and often also have another water bottle in the car as I am so lacking in energy and dehydrated after a full-on day of teaching. I’ve always been a person that gets easily tired, so I have to watch my energy levels.

Afternoon Snack

As soon as I get home, I am so hungry! I try to resist eating too much as it’s only an hour and 30 until dinner time after I have got in, unpacked, packed for the next day, changed my clothes, done the register, and attended to emails. I like to do all that first as then I can sign off for the day and have a little calm before Owen comes home. I do however try to remember to have water when I get home as otherwise, I get a headache. For my snack, I usually have something like an apple and peanut butter (what I had today). I also make a huge cup of tea and relax watching a little YouTube!


For dinner, we tend to have something really easy that requires minimal effort. I LOVE to cook, and it makes me sad how little energy I have to make something from scratch but buying a COOK to pop in the oven is perfect. They are a frozen meal company that sell meals that are homemade standard. Sometimes the salt is a little high but other than that they are healthier than lots of supermarket alternatives. Another option I love to have on a Friday is if I’ve done some batch cooking, we can just reheat that. Today was a convenience meal though and I’m not even sorry ha-ha. We had meatballs from COOK and with that we cooked spaghetti and peas. The perfect comfort meal after a tiring day.


For dessert I had half a banana with some natural yogurt. I also had a sneaky hot chocolate.

What do you think of my “What I Eat In A Day” on busy days?

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